Day Two

It happens to all of us. We keep going and going, and before we realise it, we just don’t seem to be as effective at anything as we used to be. Life is wearing you down to the point that serving God has become just one more appointment to keep on the weekly calendar. Prayer and Bible reading falls somewhere between work, meals and getting the kids to their next appointment. Maybe you’ve grown weary of the same old routine. More to the point, have you simply grown stale in your relationship with JESUS?

If the answer to one or any of these questions is yes, then you understand why it is so important to be part of this 10 days of prayer and fasting — Fasting restores your cutting edge.

Declaring a spiritual fast is a means of interrupting the effects of life‘s routines. Fasting is taking time to regain your edge; preparing the way for you to accomplish so much more through the power of the Spirit than you could accomplish through your own limited strength. Fasting, prayer and time reading God’s Word work together, just like a woodcutter using tools to sharpen an axe. When I fast privately or corporately, it allows me to regain the cutting edge of passion and the Holy Spirit’s work in my life.

Thought For The Day

Remember, when starting a fast, if it doesn’t mean anything to you, it won’t mean anything to God.

Verses For The Day

Psalm 139:23-24
Search me, God, and know my heart;
test me and know my anxious thoughts.
See if there is any offensive way in me,
and lead me in the way everlasting.

Champions Daily Prayer Focus

Ongoing revival in Champion Kids, Champion Youth and Young Adults.
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